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Gardening With Fifth Graders!

They don't tell you all the wonderful things you get to do with the children when you work with them every day at school. This year, I get to help them plant, grow, and eventually harvest Marigolds, Zinnias, and Cilantro! The best part about it? All of the learning we all get to experience! Keep reading to learn some facts about each of these plants, or scroll down to see a few photos of what they have accomplished!



  1. Marigolds come in many different colors; yellow, red, orange, and many combinations

  2. Marigolds are easy to grow

  3. They do prefer full sun, fertile soil, and space to grow

  4. Due to their strong odor, marigolds can naturally repel mosquitoes, pests, and other insects.

  5. Marigold have seeds inside of them; just pull the petal of the flower off and your seeds will be underneath!

  6. Marigolds can be edible!


  1. Zinnias have a wide range of colors and heights

  2. Zinnias prefer full sun and well drained soil

  3. Zinnias are highly attractive to pollinators; specifically butterflies and bees

  4. Commonly found in butterflies gardens

  5. Zinnias can be yellow, white, pink, lilac, purple, red, orange, or multicolored


  1. One of the world’s oldest herbs and has been used since ancient times

  2. Its roots have been used to make teas and herbal medicine 

  3. Also known as coriander, Chinese parsley, Indian parsley, and sea parsley

  4. Rich in vitamin A, K, ad E

  5. Hydrates your body


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